Lol Bodog

September 1, 2007

Okay, as Adam mentioned, Bodog’s software is a ridiculous piece of shit. Visual artifacts from previous hands get left on the screen constantly, it flickers, you need to use a third party program just to get hand histories, etc.

But the games are sooo soft! Some results from today… not all of them since I couldn’t figure out how to get hand histories this morning, but you get the idea. Obviously I was running a little bit like God but the difference between the Bodog 2/3 game and the FTP 2/4 (or 1/2) game is just silly.

Anyways, here are a couple funny hands:

Sup slo playa

Maybe next time don’t take a line that lets all better hands stack you and all worse hands fold easily. Lol also, notice how the hand history is fucked up at the bottom. Bodog, you crack me up.

More seriously though, one pretty interesting thing about the Bodog games is that they’re a nice way to experiment with a laggier style. Most of these people are incredibly passive (and the ones who aren’t stand out immediately), so you can just go crazy and pound away. I guess this is why LAG poker used to be so popular, before most games dried up post-UIGEA.


September 1, 2007

So, poker-wise August was pretty meh – I finished up a little over $5k in 25k hands. Basically I did okay at 2/4 (4.2 ptbb/100) and not so okay at 3/6, although over a negligible sample size.

But otherwise August was a really fun month, so I can’t complain too much. I’m living in a sweet apartment with a great group of friends, and I get to do pretty much whatever I want to every day – so yeah, life is good right now 🙂

Broadly speaking my goal for September is to settle into life as a professional poker player. Like I said in a previous post, I really need to get into some sort of routine – doing random shit throughout the day can be fun and all, but I really think laziness leads to unhapiness. So this month I want to make organization a priority – I want to get regular exercise, play regular sessions, and just in general be more productive with my days.

More specifically, I finally got check-withdrawal privileges with FTP and withdrew $5k this morning, so I’m planning on mostly playing 2/4 this month. I think laying off 3/6 for a bit would be a good idea – when I take shots there I tend to not table select very well, and I just don’t think I have all that much of an edge yet. I’d like to play at least 50k hands this month, and $15k would be sweet.

Oh, another thing, I broke down last night and put some money on Bodog. The games are sooo soft! Who knows if I’ll ever see my money again, but damn, I really think I can make a lot of money playing there. So far I’m up about $200 playing in the $300 2/3 game. I’m a little pissed that I’m not up more, since I got tilted pretty bad playing there earlier today and dropped a couple hundred after being up maybe $300. Lame. But at any rate the players are horrible – the average IQ of a Bodog table has to be at least 20 points lower than an FTP table.
The plan is to build up my roll there (I’ve only got about $600 on the site) over the next few days so I can stop worrying about going busto.

And final random comment: it’s come to light that my roommate Chris is basically retarded. The rest of us kind of knew this before, but Jesus, living with him is really pounding it home. The situation is that he’s incredibly, incredibly cheap, and he’s consequently flipping out over our very large electric bill for this past month. The reason the bill is so high is because we live in a fairly big house and leave the AC on during the day, since it’s been hot as balls lately. Pretty simple. But for some reason he’s convinced that it’s not the AC that’s expensive, it’s all the lights in the house. So he obsessively wanders around making sure all the lights are off, unplugs all of our appliances in the morning (even the ones without lights! wtf!), etc. He takes all of his electronic equipment with him into work so he can charge them on company power (I’m not kidding). Yesterday he even told me to turn the lights off when I play poker.

The rest of us have been like, lol, Chris, you’re retarded, the cost of the lights is negligible compared to the AC. But I don’t know, he just doesn’t get it for some reason. I guess it’d be annoying if it weren’t so funny – there’s something pretty goofy about an investment banking intern having zero grasp of money.

Anyways, happy September everyone 🙂