Cool program

September 3, 2007

Holdem Ranger

It’s basically an updated version of PokerStove. It lets you add manual weightings to hand ranges, which is sweet and a definite problem with PS.

Not much to report from today, I played maybe 150 hands on Bodog and finished up like $10 – I got stacked early on with KdKh when I bet/called a shove on a 3h8sQh flop and got outdrawn by ThJh (so a pretty standard hand, my equity’s only 58% and he’s looking at maybe 12 outs), but went back to pwning afterwards.

I’d play some more right now (it’s only 10:30) but I didn’t sleep very well yesterday and need to get up early to pay rent, so probably bed time pretty soon.


September 3, 2007

My retarded cheap roommate unplugged the coffee maker (to save on electricity ldo) and now I have to wait another 3 WHOLE MINUTES FOR IT TO REHEAT AL:KSG:LKHSGD

I would beat him up or something but I’m a wimp and he’s 6’6″.

Lol and just to give further evidence for him being retarded, he went to Costco the other day and bought THIRTY SIX (I just counted them) enormous packages of raisins, plus about three gallons of extra chunky peanut butter. As far as I can tell these and celery are the only things he ever eats. God damn he’s a weirdo. It’s like living with a giant retarded rabbit. Lol but I like him all the same 🙂