Lotta poker

September 4, 2007

I played forever today for some reason, about 9½ hours. Almost all of it was on Bodog though, so I only played 2300 hands. To be honest it was a pretty stupid way to spend the day – I should have gone for a run, done some reading, etc., but pretty much just played poker.

I finished up a little over $1k, so results weren’t terrible but kind of frustrating – I made $500 in 80 hands on FTP early this morning, and then spent the rest of the day grinding out another $500 on Bodog. I was running pretty crappy for the most part so I guess I can’t complain too much about the win.

God damn it

September 4, 2007

While withdrawing cash at a local ATM I left my debit card in the machine. It got sucked up and now I have to order another one. So frustrating… I’m absurdly absentminded and this is like the fifth time I’ve done this. Argh.