Expensive food is delicious

September 5, 2007

The parents are in town for a couple days since my little sister is flying out of Boston tomorrow night for a year abroad program in Spain (I’m pretty damn impressed with her tbh as she’s only a junior in highschool). And you know what parental visits mean – expensive food!

We went to Olives tonight (it’s about a minute away from our place by foot), and man it was good. I had the yellowfin tuna tartarre for an appetizer, wood grilled steak for an entree and an amazing vanilla souffle for dessert. Mmmm… it was a definite step up from my usual meals of coffee and prunes 🙂

I think tomorrow we’ll try to hit up Tangierino, which is a pretty sweet looking Moroccan restaurant (also about a minute from our place – woot Charlestown).