Crap, I want a Harley

September 6, 2007

My parents and I went to see the USS Constitution earlier today, and in the parking lot was the most beautiful thing I think I’ve ever seen, a blue Harley Davidson 883 (I didn’t notice the exact type). All I can say is, wow, this thing was stupendously gorgeous and I really really want one. I’ve been fantasizing a bit about getting a Vespa, but fuck that, they cost about $4k and this thing only costs $7k. I think the more baller choice is clear.

But seriously though, I would feel so guilty having a motorcycle – my parents are both doctors and I’ve been hearing about “donorcycle” death rates since I was old enough to walk. But it was sooo pretty…

Nice start to the month

September 6, 2007

Just finished a quick 2 hour session of 2/4 on FTP. I ran super super hot and picked up 5½ buyins in about 700 hands – so I think this is my second biggest day ever (by a lot, but whatever), pretty cool stuff.

Also, I’m off to a really fast start to the month – I’m up a little over $5k in 5.5k hands. Just gotta try to not get overconfident and go on a big downswing… I’m a little concerned about how I seem to go on boom and bust cycles, so I need to make an effort over the next couple weeks to get rid of this mental problem.

Anyways, sleepy time, need to get up at a reasonable hour tomorrow so I can eat some more delicious food 🙂