Need to stop being lazy!

September 8, 2007

Ugh, sometimes I really frustrate myself. I’ve just been a really lazy pos the past few days – I haven’t been playing much poker, I haven’t been getting any exercise, I haven’t even done much reading. And it’s almost 2pm right now and I haven’t gotten a shower yet or eaten any breakfast. God damn it.

The immediate plan is to grab a quick shower and see if the local Bank of America is open so I can pick up a temporary debit card, and then see if I can get a gym membership. I should definitely go for a run later tonight (it’s been sooo hot the past few days – even my poor computer is overheating) and if there aren’t too many roommates around I’ll probably play a long session. I feel pretty lame saying this but weekends can be a little frustrating poker-wise because on the one hand the games are usually great, but on the other hand my roommates don’t have as much work and get annoyed at me for not hanging out. They don’t seem to really understand that poker is a job too, and that I’m not always going to be willing to work my schedule around theirs. Heh, yeah, guess I’ve got a little something to get off my chest 🙂

Oh post-college living.