Unbelievably frustrated

September 10, 2007

God fucking dammit, such a frustrating session. I played a bit on Bodog earlier today, got coolered a few times and dropped about $200 I think – since Bodog is a piece of shit PT couldn’t import some of the hands correctly so I’m not sure about the exact amount I got stuck. Then I played a little 2/4 and 3/6 on FTP just now. For some reason I can’t win at 3/6 to save my life, so I was up a bit, down a bit for a while and eventually dropped about $120 I think. My session at 2/4 was going great and I was up $1200 in 400 hands or so, and THEN I DROPPED ALL OF IT IN ABOUT TEN FUCKING MINUTES. Retard check/minraised the turn with TPWK, called my shove with AA and tripped up on the river. Bunch of little random coolers then tilted the shit out of me, and finally I got stacked by plzlemmewin for 600BBs [edit: woops $’s I mean] after I tilt-called his 3bet out of the blinds with AQcc on the button and got it in on a low-card two-club flop. FUCK ME.

So I’m not down very much on the day, but Jesus Christ I’m frustrated right now. I also woke up incredibly late today so overall I’m feeling like a ridiculous waste. Ugh.

I’m rich bitch!

September 10, 2007

Weeee my $5k FTP check came in the mail today!

Not going to Australia :(

September 10, 2007

I played in the FTP Aussie Millions freeroll earlier today and finished 7th out of 250 or so. The top two won an $18k prize package trip to Australia. It was probably the lamest thing that’s ever happened to me 😦

Otherwise I had a pretty fun day though – our goofy landlord and his family came by to visit, so we did a bunch of cleaning yesterday and the place looks awesome. I can’t remember if I mentioned this, but David (our landlord) is just hysterical – he’s a professor of film or visual studies or something like that at Temple, probably late 50s, and completely nuts. He also LOVES to talk – he talk talk talks nonstop. His wife Lulu and their two little kids came over as well, and they all seemed really cool. One funny situation I got into was trying to explain to Lulu how I play poker for a living – right away she was like, “But… how do you know what to do if you can’t see their faces?” So I started the whole spiel about how physical tells are overrated, timing tells can tell you a lot, you get a sense for betting patterns, etc., when she jumped in and was like, “Yeah, well, sure, but you realize it’s all luck right?” Lol, I kind of gave up after that… but she definitely thinks I have a gambling problem 🙂

Anyways, although I didn’t win a trip to Australia I did pick up about $1500 in 1400 hands of cash game play. While I was playing in the freeroll I played a little 2/4 on FTP and finished up about $900, and then I made another $600 on Bodog a few hours later. I think I played pretty well for the most part, but I got pretty sloppy on Bodog – I wasn’t running very well at first (not a lot of coolers I guess but I was leaking a ton of chips since I kept missing the flop) and definitely started to tilt a bit. I’d like to post some hands but for some reason PT won’t let me review any of them… if I get it fixed I’ll post some tomorrow morning/afternoon.