Lol, least productive day ever

September 13, 2007

I decided to experiment last night with waking up naturally, so I turned off my phone before I went to bed. I figured I’d wind up getting out of bed much earlier than usual – but I didn’t take into consideration all the sneezing I was doing last night and instead woke up at 2:30PM. Apparently I needed the sleep (about 12 hours) because I feel much less sick than I did last night. But yeah, so much for waking up early.

I then wandered around the house for a while, made some coffee, delivered some mail to our downstairs neighbors (the girl downstairs is still a total babe btw), and then I took a nap (I know, wtf is wrong with me).  It’s now 7:45PM and I’ve basically done nothing all day. I feel too mentally fuzzy/tired to play poker right now so I guess I’ll go read for a while.

Fun day

September 13, 2007

Like I said in the previous post, I spontaneously woke up super early today, and it felt great – I think I’m gonna experiment with getting on an earlier schedule for a bit. I started off the day with a really ugly session at 3/6 on Bodog – for some reason I was playing like a complete idiot but I managed to luckbox my way to a $750 win.  Two of the bigger hands:

Apparently I was on tilt? Ugh, it’s really frustrating that I occasionally do ridiculous stuff like this. The lead-up to this hand was honestly kind of surreal – we had been playing HU for maybe ten hands or so and he’d already won about a buyin off of me. One hand he hit a set against my TPTK and took me to value town (can you tell I wasn’t playing my A game??? ugh such a disgusting hand), and he snapped off a few cbets. Then on this hand he calls my pfr and leads for half pot on a very drawy flop… so I (perhaps unwisely) pop it up with bottom pair. He then thinks for a bit and shoves. My brain kind of went “Draw? Nope… well maybe I’ll hit my ace fuck it” and I called. I remember thinking for a split second that I was about to effectively burn $600, and yet I still made the call! Bleh, I guess I just need to keep working on the tilt issue.

Poor guy was running like crap. Standard, it always sucks when this happens after you smooth call with AA preflop.

After my session I met up with my friend Danny (we went to Harvard together) for lunch over by MIT. Danny’s just an awesome, awesome kid – he’s incredibly smart and one of the nicest people you’ll ever meet. He studied math in school (and survived the famous Math 55 course – it’s billed as the hardest freshman math class in the country) and is now working for some sort of biotechnology startup. His job lets him take a class at MIT for free, so I got to sit in on Tommi Jaakkola’s graduate “Machine Learning” course – it seemed like fun stuff but it’s not really up my alley so I didn’t pay a whole lot of attention. We talked a bunch about poker, wandered around Quantum Books for a while, and in general just had a fun time catching up.

I played another session on Bodog a few hours ago and this time made a real effort to play solid, tilt-free poker. It worked out pretty well and I picked up another $750 or so. Obviously I haven’t played many hands yet in the Bodog 3/6 game but assuming I don’t go on a horrible run I think I’ll stick around there for a while (I only have $5k on the site but my effective roll is more like $22k or so). It’s definitely tougher than the 2/3 game but I think it’s probably softer than 2/4 on FTP, so I should be able to do really well there.

Some of the big hands:

Pretty standard, although a little nerve-wracking. Not much to say other than that this guy is really bad so I don’t think there’s any way I can fold. I thought about check/raising all-in but decided to just keep firing instead.

What a crazy spot! This guy seemed pretty maniacal plus his line just didn’t make any sense… he insta-minraised my turn check raise and then instantly overbet shoved the river. I honestly don’t know how I feel about this hand – if he had flipped over the nut flush I would have felt pretty stupid I guess. At any rate his line just didn’t feel right so I decided to look him up. Plus I think if I call on the turn I need to do so with the intention of calling a big river bet. Eh, I don’t know, very weird spot. In hindsight probably a bad play.

Okay, I think it’s about time for bed. A few hours ago I randomly started sneezing every five seconds so I should probably get a good night’s sleep.