
September 14, 2007

Man, I’ve been straight-up owning this month (sorry about the tiny stats image… I’m paint-retarded and can’t figure out how to fix it). But I’ve also played like no hands, which is kind of irritating. In and of itself it’s not such a bad thing, but I haven’t really been doing anything else instead – I still don’t have a gym membership, I haven’t been running all that much, and I haven’t even done all that much reading.

So… the plan for the rest of the month is to really work on being less lazy. Not necessarily by grinding out a ton of hands, but just in general – I need to be getting more mental and physical stimulation.

The physical stuff is easy to take care of – I’ll head to the gym tomorrow and get things set up, then it’s just a matter of discipline. The mental stuff is a little bit harder though – I’ve always had a really odd approach to learning new things, and I’m not very good at forcing myself along. Like, I have a million potentially interesting books lying around, but none of them are grabbing me all that hard at the moment. I might order a copy of Shaw’s Complex Analysis with Mathematica – I rather fortuitously (heh, the internet is a fun place) stumbled upon a copy of Mathematica and I’ve always wanted to really learn how to use it. Plus I don’t know much about complex analysis, so it’s a win-win!

I think I’ll also start reading Pynchon’s ginormous new book Against the Day. I started reading it last semester (and it’s where I got the name for this blog actually), but I got side-tracked. One of his earlier books, Mason & Dixon, is absolutely amazing so I really should give this one another shot.

Peace and gl everyone