Bad news…

September 15, 2007

Not much of a theme to this post, but I’m in kind of a logorrheic mood so it is what it is.

I found out yesterday that the mother of a friend of mine (she’s a senior at Harvard now and lives in my old dorm) committed suicide a couple weeks ago. I just don’t know what to say. But I’ve been feeling pretty down since I heard – I know it sounds stupid but I can’t imagine a worse person this could happen to. She’s not exactly the most confident girl in the world, so I just don’t know how she could possibly have the mental strength to deal with this… ugh this is really just an awful situation. I don’t know, I just wish I could do or say something to help, but what could possibly be helpful in a time like this?

This also hits home for me because I’ve had some mental health issues in the past. I’ve never been suicidal per se but I was pretty consistently depressed all throughout college (feeling down for four straight years was not fun). So whatever her mom was going through must have been really terrible – I don’t know much about her, or whether or not she had a history of depression etc., but she must have been really gone to have been able to do this to her family. Ugh, this whole thing is just so, so sad 😦