So fucking angry

September 24, 2007

Dropped another $1.4k today, mostly on Bodog playing 2/3. I am running like absolute shit and I’m going nuts. I can’t handle playing against complete fucking morons and losing every hand. It’s just fucking infuriating and I need to take a break. But I basically want to cry right now – I was up $13k on the month a few days ago, now I’m up like $8.5k. I want to break my computer.


September 24, 2007

Today was pretty bad. I dropped $1.6k playing a mix of 2/3 on Bodog up to 5/10 on FTP. It wasn’t a fun session and I played horribly.

The really dispiriting thing though is that my shots at 3/6 just aren’t going well. It seems like I lose a few buyins every time I play there, regardless of whether it’s on FTP or Bodog. Pretty depressing. I know I can do really well at 2/3 and 2/4, so it sucks that I seem to have hit a wall. I feel like I have an edge at 3/6, but for some reason I keep playing really badly there.

Maybe it’s just variance but meh.

Also check out the graph for this month, the past couple days have fucking sucked. Pissed and going to bed.