Random thoughts

September 25, 2007

So… I haven’t been playing very well lately, and my results have been ugly.

Not the end of the world, but it’s definitely frustrating. Long-term success in poker is mostly a matter of managing your own psychology, and I’m just annoyed that I still let myself go on the same exact type of tilt-induced downswings every so often. The pattern is probably really common (crush for a while, get complacent, have a losing day, come back the next day expecting everything to be easy again and instead tilt like crazy), but still.

Heh, I guess the next part of the pattern is the annoyingly introspective blog post 🙂

So yeah, instead of the usual touchy-feely stuff I’m just gonna take a break for a couple days and try to get my head back in the right place. I’m thinking lots of exercise and reading should do the trick.