
September 29, 2007

Well, in case you didn’t read the comments from the previous post, I’ve got a bet going with Verneer for $25 that says I can’t stay away from the poker tables until next Wednesday at 8pm. So far I’m hanging in there but not getting to play is tough 🙂

Given that my month is probably done poker-wise, I thought I’d do the usual bit of reflection a few days early. Overall, kind of a crappy month, at least in the sense that I didn’t accomplish many of the goals I had set out for myself at the end of last month. I’m having a good time and all, but the laziness is pretty frustrating. Bleh, I guess that’s part of getting used to not having any sort of schedule to keep you organized during the day.

At any rate, on to October! One of the things I really regret about this month was how undisciplined I was when taking shots at higher limits. I took a few random shots at 5/10 when realistically I’m way way under-rolled, and I think I played pretty poorly at 3/6 for the most part. For whatever reason, I just don’t seem to be quite ready for 3/6, even if only psychologically. So… the plan in October is to rebuild a bit and gear up for some more disciplined shots down the road. That means I want to do some serious grinding at 2/3 on Bodog and 2/4 on FTP, partially just to see how much I can make but mostly so I can get some nice rolls going on both sites. I think with a little bit of hard work I can be a regular in the 5/10 games within the next 2-3 months, but I’d like to wait until I have at least 30 BI before I take any more shots.

Given that I don’t really seem to have the grinder’s temperment, I really need to keep working on injecting some healthy structure into my day. Like, it’s 4:30AM right now and I’m still awake, typing a boring blog post. Gotta work on that. Basically I’m shooting for a more Patrik Antonius-like approach to poker. I need to be getting lots of exercise, read a lot, and play with discipline. I just know from experience that when I have zero structure I get really lazy and have trouble getting stuff done.

Also, I’m gonna try to find some opportunities to play more live poker in the future. There’s an off chance I might be able to get invited to some really fantastic games in Boston, we’ll see.

Finally, I’ve got this, um, friend who’s made it his life’s mission to play on Betfair from within the US. I’ll keep you guys posted on his progress.