Well I lost the bet

October 3, 2007

The Bodog games just looked to good to pass up 🙂 Check out Verneer’s blog for the goofy details.

I played about 1k hands and picked up $730 or so. I think I played pretty well, although I started off a little shaky and made a few really station-y calls. Overall I’m pretty pleased, especially since I wasn’t running all that well (I hit some hands obviously but kept losing 60/40s and got stacked w KK<AA vs a psycho fish). One thing I need to work on though is cooling it a bit with the crazy lag style – I played something like 27/22/4 today, which in and of itself is totally fine but I don’t think I’m adjusting to table conditions very well. So I end up spewing more than necessary.

In other news, I think I’ve figured out a way to play on Betfair, although I’m not quite sure yet how to set up an account in a semi-legitimate way. We’ll see. I’ve been looking at the Betfair games though and they look amazing – plus the client itself is very elegant looking and would be a lot of fun to play on. But yeah I’d kind of prefer not to get arrested for money laundering. Maybe I’ll have to just go live with my aunt in England.

Oh yeah, I also got my official Full Tilt 500 piece chip set the other day 🙂 The thing weighs like 20 pounds and looks like a sniper rifle case, but the chips are pretty nice. I guess it’s a little annoying that it came 2 chips short (wtf?), but I’m looking forward to using it.

That’s about it… bedtime I guess.