Winning session!

October 17, 2007

I know I know, it sounds crazy but I actually won some money today. I was feeling a little sharper than I had been the past few days and played a quick session at 2/4 on FT. I won $850 in about 400 hands so nothing huge but it feels good all the same.

Otherwise the past week or so has been really uneventful. I tried playing a little 1/2 on FT plus some micro-stakes plo on PS, but I just wasn’t focusing at all and decided to watch a bunch of TV instead. The entire first season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, to be specific. Lol, I have to admit it’s a pretty cute show (I had never seen it before, but I’m a big fan of one of Joss Whedon’s other shows, Firefly, so I thought I’d give it a shot). Unfortunately I can’t seem to find any working rapidshare links for the second season, so I might have to give in and buy the DVD set on Amazon. Lame.

I’ve also spent a decent amount of time watching poker videos. I used to watch videos pretty regularly but I got lazy over the past month or so, and I think it definitely had something to do with my downswing. So, I’m trying to get back in the habit of watching a video per day, even if it’s not a nlhe cash video (Adanthar’s MTT videos are awesome, for example – I now understand where his “Possibly Too Level Headed” custom 2p2 title comes from, lol).

Anyways, the plan is to try to get back into the swing of things and hopefully get myself out of this hole by the end of the month.