Interesting plo session

October 18, 2007

So for some reason I decided to stay up all night playing plo on FT. I mostly played 1/2 plus a little 0.5/1. I played a little over 1k hands and finished down about $275, so the results weren’t that great but I really think some things clicked during the session. I was down about $850 at one point so I managed a decent comeback. I’m starting to get a better feel for how hands hold up, and I think if I put some work into studying the game I could jump into the 1/2 and 2/4 games without too much trouble – the players are definitely way dumber on average than the nlhe crowd, so I think I can make a lot of money there.

I’m not saying I’m any good yet (I play like a ridiculous nit, have no sense of when to 3bet, etc.), but I see some potential here.