Slowly but surely…

October 21, 2007

For some reason the 3/6 tables were full of ridiculous fish today so I decided to try them out again. I picked up $700 in about 1.5k hands (about 400 of which were at 2/4), so overall an okay result.

For some reason I’ve still got a psychological hurdle to get over before I really feel comfortable at 3/6 though. Basically whenever I try to move up in limits I tend to get way too aggressive – I throw out tons of 4bet bluffs, double and triple barrels, check/raises etc. I guess I worry about having a losing session so I go a bit nuts trying to win every pot. I got stacked a couple times today in really silly spots so I’m disappointed I didn’t win a bunch more.

One interesting thing about the session was that I ran into probably the best nit I’ve ever played against – this guy was playing something like 14/11 I think, but he had moves. I just don’t understand how he could fit so much deception into range – he was pretty perplexing to hand read against. His strategy was basically to play super nitty but throw in absurd amounts of aggression whenever he decided to play a hand. I kept getting the urge to 4bet bluff him preflop but I was pretty sure he’d have no problem 5bet rebluffing, given that I’d have to give his nitty stats some respect. He was fun to play against, that’s for sure.

Anyways my point is just that it was cool to see someone manipulate his range so deceptively without having to play even remotely lag. There are lots of interesting ways to play the game besides the usual 22/18 “tag with tricks” style.

Peace everyone, time to go watch some Buffy 🙂

CTS’s videos are incredible

October 21, 2007

Seriously, it’s just scary how smart this guy is – his videos alone are worth the price of joining cardrunners (as are aba’s). The depth and clarity of his analysis is honestly shocking – and he does it all so quickly! I’ve tried making a few videos and I feel like I spend most of my time going “um” and “uh”, whereas he spends the whole time rapidly articulating intricate points about random bits of poker theory, with basically no pauses whatsoever.

In summary, the kid is a stud.