
October 22, 2007

Just finished a really tilty session on FTP. I dropped about $1650 or so playing a mix of 2/4 and 3/6. As usual I started off doing pretty well at 2/4 and not so well at 3/6, but then I got coolered a couple times by ridiculous fish and started to tilt pretty badly. Basically my image was horrible on all my tables and people kept calling me down really really light, but since I was tilting I didn’t use it to my advantage. I ended up breaking even at 2/4 and dropped a little under 3 buyins at 3/6.

So, pretty frustrating… especially since the 3/6 games were again incredibly soft today, so it would have been nice to crush for a bit. It really is bizarre how bad some of these people play, but I couldn’t capitalize on it for some reason.

Anyways, I might take a break from 3/6 for a bit. My results there always suck so I should probably figure out what the hell I’m doing wrong before I lose any more money there.