One tabling is the new two tabling

October 24, 2007

So I’m apparently completely retarded and had no idea what “combined stats” were in pahud until last night when a friend enlightened me while we were doing a sweat session. I decided to fiddle around with them today and fired up one table of 2/4 on FTP. I finished up about $940 after 126 hands, so not bad.

I think I’m gonna go grab a shower and then see the 9:45 showing of 30 Days of Night. It looks ridiculously awesome and I’ll post a trip report later tonight.

Update: The movie was pretty crazy… I can’t really decide if I liked it or not. It’s gruesome as hell and very depressing (so definitely not as “fun” as I expected it to be), but it was definitely engaging – visually, aurally, the works. The casting is really good and the vampires look fucking amazing… but God damn it was depressing, and I frankly have no clue who or what the vampires were supposed to be. So I guess I’m disappointed it wasn’t better but I’m still glad I went.

Fun all-nighter

October 24, 2007

For some reason I got the urge to do a little two tabling starting around 4am this morning. I played about 500 hands, half 2/4 and half 3/6, and finished up about $1550.

Playing only two tables for a change was pretty fun to be honest – I was able to do a much better job of holding back tilt, plus it was neat to be able to get away with a 29/25/5 preflop style. Pretty sure I can’t play that LAG when I’m 4-6 tabling.

Another cool thing about the session was I got to play a bit with zero2lose. He’s apparently one of the biggest MSNL winners around, and I believe it given that he always seems to have huge stacks. He had a pretty interesting style – kind of a “sophisticated” 21/16/3 style. He was aggressive but he knew how to pick his spots.

One big difference I noticed in our play is that he leads out at way more pots than I do when oop. I think this lets him get away with playing a bit looser oop than is usually standard, because he does a much better job of getting payed off with big hands oop. E.g., he called my button open from the SB with ATo, and led into me and the BB on an AAKhh flop. The BB called, I folded, and he bet strongly again on the turn. They ended up getting all-in with the same hand but I think his line is good – I probably would have gone for a check/raise on the flop or the turn, which is probably a really poor play because people will check behind a lot on that kind of flop.

Oddly enough, the one time he didn’t lead out with a big hand in a multi-way pot I stacked him. Pretty standard I guess but I really wasn’t sure how much to raise on the turn… I’m not sure I like shoving but the stack sizes make it a little awkward to do anything else. I opted for a tiny raise (I’m presumably a total unknown to him) just to make sure it’d be easy to get all-in on the river.

Anyways time for some sleep. Blargh, I just can’t seem to get back on a normal schedule.