Another long session

October 28, 2007

I stayed up until about 7am last night playing my usual mix of 2/4 and 3/6, and finished up about $600 after 3k hands. So pretty bleh results. I continue to swing like crazy – I started off the session by quickly picking up $1.5k, then all of a sudden I was stuck $1.5k, and then I kind of wiggled my way back into the green.

I really really need to figure out how to control my tilt, since it’s just killing my results lately. It seems like every session I spew off several buyins for no good reason.

Which sucks because tbh I think I’ve been playing really well when I haven’t been tilting – I’ve been playing around with adding some floats into my game, and in general I think I’m taking away a lot more pots that I used to. So I’m pretty sure that if I can just quit going crazy now and then I could start posting some huge results.