I’m all out of Buffy episodes :(

October 30, 2007

Until tomorrow anyway when Amazon ships me the complete third season DVD set 🙂 I’m also getting a pair of new earphones since my old headset quit on my yesterday.

Not much is new, I played a bit of 2/4 today and dropped about a buyin and a half in 800 hands, nothing too interesting happened but I lost a big flip and some other standard spots.

Plan for the rest of the week is to try (again) to get back on a healthy schedule. I’ve been talking with my parents a bit lately and we all agree I need to get some more structure in my day. I’m not happy waking up at 3pm and sitting around doing nothing all the time – it puts me in a crummy mood which I think is definitely contributing to my tilt issues.  I woke up at 10am today and hopefully I can make that a habit.

Basically I think with poker I’ve gotten to point where if I want to keep improving and moving up in limits I’m gonna have to start working on my game – up until this point I’ve been able to get away with more or less winging it, watching videos, reading the odd hand thread now and then. It’s time I step up my efforts and be a lot less lazy.