Change of plans

November 13, 2007

I did a bunch of thinking today about my crappy poker results of late, and I’ve decided I’m putting way too much pressure on myself to keep moving up in limits. So I withdrew some money and the plan is to move back down to 1/2 for a while, and really work on eliminating tilt and living a healthier lifestyle.

I’ll move back to 2/4 when I feel like I’m ready. I’m completely confident I’m a winner there but I’d rather pad my offline bankroll for a while and just enjoy playing poker, rather than worry constantly about whether I’m winning money quickly enough to make it to 5/10 in a couple months. Pushing yourself to get better is great and all but if it hikes up your stress levels it’s a little counter-productive I think.

Anyways, I’m still planning on playing higher stakes in the not-too-distant future, but I think I’ve been going about the move-up in the wrong way. Hence the realignment of priorities.