What am I doing?

December 4, 2007

I just don’t get it, I’m playing horribly at the moment. I been really unfocused the past few days, and I feel like I’m pretty much always on tilt. I played a quick 900 hand session earlier today and dropped $500 or so at 1/2. Which is nothing obviously but I played sooo badly… ugh this is really depressing.

I’ve got a lesson later today so hopefully I can make some money then, but it sucks to rely on a coach to make you money.

Anyways, feeling really disappointed and I guess I’ll go for a walk. This is lame.

Update: Wilt and I ran really cold in our lesson and dropped a buyin at 2/4, so I’m down $800 on the day. Basically not much happened – we chipped up about a buyin, then lost a set over set, and then got chipped down another buyin after we got played back at on about twelve cbets in a row. Meh.

Time for some shopping

December 4, 2007

So it’s finally started to snow in Boston, and I am cold. Ergo, time for a shopping spree!

I guess in part because I never have to leave the house for work, I basically live like a hobo. I have one pair of very frayed jeans, one Harvard sweatshirt that I stole from my roommate (no joke, I was too lazy to pick up my own last year… wtf is wrong with me lol), and I left my only rain jacket back in Virginia over Thanksgiving break. I also only have one pair of shoes (of the running variety). Basically I am dangerously ill-equipped to deal with going out on a Saturday night, much less a Boston winter.

So. I’m thinking a sweet North Face jacket to keep out the snow, plus a whole bunch of nice clothing from like JCrew etc. Unfortunately JCrew’s website appears to have been created by their fucking fashion designers and has no working shopping cart function. I’ve tried every browser I have, on both the mac and pc sides of my computer, and the stupid thing just doesn’t work. Lol maybe I’m just still tilted from yesterday’s poker debacle but man, but it’s kind of funny how much this is irritating me.

Anyways, on to the poker content for the day – I played a pretty nice 3hr session today at 1/2nl, and finished up $800. I 6-tabled for the most part and thought I played pretty well, although I lost my focus a few times for sure. There were a few funny hands I thought I’d share…

Full Tilt Poker, $1/$2 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 4 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

SB: $343.30
BB: $701.95
UTG: $224
arrrrtard (BTN): $231.15

Pre-Flop: 5 5 dealt to arrrrtard (BTN)
UTG raises to $7, arrrrtard raises to $24, 2 folds, UTG raises to $224 and is All-In, arrrrtard calls $200

Flop: ($451) Q 7 2 (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

Turn: ($451) 4 (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

River: ($451) K (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

Results: $451 Pot ($2 Rake)
UTG showed 3 3 (a pair of Threes) and LOST (-$224 NET)
arrrrtard showed 5 5 (a pair of Fives) and WON $449 (+$225 NET)

What can I say, I’m a sicko. Lol I actually felt pretty good about the call and assumed I was flipping – I had been 3betting this guy quite a lot and he 4bet shoved super quickly. I just don’t see how he can ever have a very good hand here – although in hindsight I guess his range includes some medium pocket pairs that have much crushed. But I think he has TT+ here almost never, which means I actually have enough equity to call his shove.

Next one was pretty confusing – villain was pretty bad, playing something like 36/15/1 over 75 hands. I was planning on c/c the turn and reevaluating on the river, but his tiny bet felt a lot more like a weak J than a flush or a 9. I opted for a small c/r because I think I can get more value from him, and if he shoves over the top it’s an easy fold. And then on the river, eh, it’s a weird spot – he called my c/r instantly, so I just didn’t see how he could have a very big hand. But admittedly I was kind of at a loss about what he had. Meh.

Full Tilt Poker, $1/$2 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

MP: $221.65
CO: $214.65
BTN: $200
SB: $149.85
arrrrtard (BB): $499.35
UTG: $199.35

Pre-Flop: J A dealt to arrrrtard (BB)
UTG calls $2, 3 folds, SB calls $1, arrrrtard raises to $10, UTG calls $8, SB folds

Flop: ($22) 9 J 9 (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $16, UTG calls $16

Turn: ($54) 8 (2 Players)
arrrrtard checks, UTG bets $16, arrrrtard raises to $48, UTG calls $32

River: ($150) 2 (2 Players)
arrrrtard checks, UTG bets $125.35 and is All-In, arrrrtard calls $125.35

Results: $400.70 Pot ($3 Rake)
arrrrtard showed J A (two pair, Jacks and Nines) and WON $397.70 (+$198.35 NET)
UTG showed T K (a pair of Nines) and LOST (-$199.35 NET)

Heh the next one might be even cooler than the 55 vs. 33 hand. This guy potted all three streets pretty much instantly, and people almost never do that with very strong hands. So, I figured he had to have just a draw. On the flop, I think I like calling better than raising, but I’m not totally sure about why.

Full Tilt Poker, $1/$2 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 5 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

SB: $139.35
BB: $162.15
UTG: $276.30
CO: $200
arrrrtard (BTN): $199

Pre-Flop: 9 4 dealt to arrrrtard (BTN)
2 folds, arrrrtard raises to $7, SB folds, BB calls $5

Flop: ($15) 6 T 9 (2 Players)
BB bets $15, arrrrtard calls $15

Turn: ($45) 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $45, arrrrtard calls $45

River: ($135) 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $95.15 and is All-In, arrrrtard calls $95.15

Results: $325.30 Pot ($3 Rake)
BB showed A 7 (a pair of Twos) and LOST (-$162.15 NET)
arrrrtard showed 9 4 (two pair, Nines and Twos) and WON $322.30 (+$160.15 NET)

Little too tired to past any more I think. My big losing hands weren’t all that interesting – in hindsight they were all just pretty clear examples of when I lost focus. I just messed them up, not much else to say.