Take that, laptop!

December 7, 2007

Just bought a real screwdriver (as opposed to the 2 inch long pos I found in my glasses repair kit) and successfully upgraded my Macbook Pro’s ram. Let me tell you, it feels distinctly rammier.

Only one more season to go :(

December 7, 2007

Well, I finished the sixth season of Buffy last night, and Amazon should ship me the seventh and final season sometime today. Gonna be an emotional weekend 😦

I had a really fun lesson yesterday, and man, I can’t tell you how badly I needed it – both for the strategy content and just to remember how fun the game can be. Wilt and I started off at 2/4 as usual and were doing pretty well, when the following hand occurred.

Full Tilt Poker, $2/$4 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 3 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

BTN: $812.80
SB: $484
arrrrtard (BB): $412

Pre-Flop: T T dealt to arrrrtard (BB)
BTN folds, SB raises to $15, arrrrtard raises to $50, SB raises to $160, arrrrtard calls $110

Flop: ($320) 2 J T (2 Players)
SB bets $324 and is All-In, arrrrtard calls $252 and is All-In

Turn: ($824) 4 (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

River: ($824) A (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

Results: $824 Pot ($1 Rake)
SB showed Q Q (a pair of Queens) and LOST (-$412 NET)
arrrrtard showed T T (three of a kind, Tens) and WON $823 (+$411 NET)

Obviously an awkward spot, but the SB had made a few large 4bets against me already, and I think TT is a little too strong to just fold blind on blind.

Anyways I sucked out, he threw a hissy fit, and Wilt and I decided to challenge him to a HU grudge match 🙂

We split action 50-50 at 3/6. Villain was a total weirdo – pretty nitty preflop and then a COMPLETE station postflop. E.g. the first real pot of the match:

Full Tilt Poker, $3/$6 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 2 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

arrrrtard (SB): $603
BB: $647.50

Pre-Flop: K 6 dealt to arrrrtard (SB)
arrrrtard raises to $18, BB calls $12

Flop: ($36) 3 J K (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $27, BB calls $27

Turn: ($90) 8 (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $66, BB calls $66

River: ($222) 5 (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard checks

Results: $222 Pot ($0.50 Rake)
arrrrtard showed K 6 (a pair of Kings) and WON $221.50 (+$110.50 NET)
BB mucked T Q (King Queen high) and LOST (-$111 NET)

Nothing atrocious about that obviously but he wasn’t exactly an aggromonkey. And not one for the tough folding – here’s the first hand we stacked him.

Full Tilt Poker, $3/$6 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 2 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

arrrrtard (BB): $614.50
SB: $667

Pre-Flop: Q 7 dealt to arrrrtard (BB)
SB raises to $18, arrrrtard raises to $60, SB calls $42

Flop: ($120) 8 5 K (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $81, SB calls $81

Turn: ($282) T (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $171, SB calls $171

River: ($624) 2 (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $302.50 and is All-In, SB calls $302.50

Results: $1,229 Pot ($0.50 Rake)
arrrrtard showed Q 7 (a flush, King high) and WON $1,228.50 (+$614 NET)
SB mucked J K (a pair of Kings) and LOST (-$614.50 NET)

There are obviously some situations in which his call would be reasonable, but I just don’t think he understood that he was beating only a complete bluff. And given my read of him as a complete station, I’m not really sure I’m ever bluffing here – at worst I have AK/KQ with no flush, and still stack him. At any rate I’m only value betting here, just with varying degrees of thinness.

We eventually got chipped back down to even (we lost about half a stack when we c/r bluffed an ATT flop and fired a blank turn, and he minraised us lol). But he was still a station so it was okay.

Full Tilt Poker, $3/$6 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 2 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

arrrrtard (BB): $667.50
SB: $1,193.75

Pre-Flop: J 8 dealt to arrrrtard (BB)
SB raises to $18, arrrrtard raises to $60, SB calls $42

Flop: ($120) K 5 8 (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $81, SB calls $81

Turn: ($282) J (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $213, SB calls $213

River: ($708) 7 (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $313.50 and is All-In, SB calls $313.50

Results: $1,335 Pot ($0.50 Rake)
arrrrtard showed J 8 (two pair, Jacks and Eights) and WON $1,334.50 (+$667 NET)
SB mucked J 9 (a pair of Jacks) and LOST (-$667.50 NET)

Again, I just don’t think this guy understood what a bluff-catcher was. His call down makes no sense whatsoever – his flop call is terrible, and his turn call is atrocious because he’s committing himself to stacking off on the river – which makes no sense given my range! I could see stacking off here with like KJ+ and any flush, but that’s about it – mid pair no kicker doesn’t cut it.

Okay one more hand – did I mention he was a station?

Full Tilt Poker, $3/$6 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 2 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

arrrrtard (SB): $1,316.50
BB: $543.75

Pre-Flop: 8 Q dealt to arrrrtard (SB)
arrrrtard raises to $18, BB calls $12

Flop: ($36) Q 6 Q (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $27, BB calls $27

Turn: ($90) 3 (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $75, BB calls $75

River: ($240) 7 (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $123, BB calls $123

Results: $486 Pot ($0.50 Rake)
arrrrtard showed 8 Q (three of a kind, Queens) and WON $485.50 (+$242.50 NET)
BB mucked 5 A (a pair of Queens) and LOST (-$243 NET)

I’m not sure what I think about our river play tbh – obviously it was pretty good given his actual holdings but I feel like we missed some value by betting so small. Meh, it’s an awkward spot since the flush is entirely within his range… lol but so is A high and just about any pair, so idk, I think a larger bet would be better. Not totally sure though.

Mkay that’s about it from the HU match. Only other story I can think of from yesterday was how I got OWNED by my Macbook Pro. My roommates and I are all Mac dorks and decided to have a big ram upgrade party. This is a little silly since I already have 2gb, but it only cost me $170 or so to get 4gb of ram so I think it’s worth it. Anyway, I tried to install my new memory yesterday and COULD NOT BUDGE the screws on my computer’s memory bay. Not even close. In all seriousness I think I pulled a muscle in my right wrist (my mouse-clicking hand, oh noes!). I was feeling pretty emasculated for a while but my enormous roommates couldn’t unscrew them either. I’m gonna swing by the local Apple store later today and see if I can find a brawny salesclerk to help me out.