Ughh… frustrated

December 9, 2007

Just finished playing a quick 500 hand session mostly at the 300nl game on FTP, and got fucking destroyed – I dropped $1400 at 300nl and another $200 at 1/2 for a minus $1600 session. To be honest I think I played pretty well, but I ran horrifically. It was just an unbelievably gross session… I had to call it quits after the following gem:

Full Tilt Poker, $0.75/$1.50 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

BTN: $121.15
SB: $394.90
BB: $345
UTG: $409.45
arrrrtard (MP): $366.60
CO: $300

Pre-Flop: A A dealt to arrrrtard (MP)
UTG folds, arrrrtard raises to $5.25, CO folds, BTN calls $5.25, SB folds, BB calls $3.75

Flop: ($16.50) 5 Q 5 (3 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $13.50, BTN folds, BB raises to $44, arrrrtard calls $30.50

Turn: ($104.50) 2 (2 Players)
BB bets $66, arrrrtard calls $66

River: ($236.50) 6 (2 Players)
BB bets $229.75 and is All-In, arrrrtard calls $229.75

Results: $696 Pot ($3 Rake)
BB showed 6 6 (a full house, Sixes full of Fives) and WON $693 (+$348 NET)
arrrrtard mucked A A (two pair, Aces and Fives) and LOST (-$345 NET)

Against most people I’d be shoving the turn, but this guy was a complete moron and had a lot of hands in his range with almost no equity (like 66 for example…), so I wanted to let him keep bluffing. Bleh, this was kind of the story of the session – I got owned by a bunch of complete monkeys who could not read hands to save their lives. I mean, this guy’s play in the hand is completely idiotic – he was playing very loose and very aggro, so he has to know I’m not gonna give him any credit. Basically anything I’m calling the flop with I’m at least calling the turn with, and I’ll be getting very good odds on the river… so basically I think his play is terrible. If he had a much tighter image, then fine, it could be a good line, but he’s gonna get looked up almost every time.

And just to give you guys a sense of who I was playing against, take a look at this one:

Full Tilt Poker, $0.75/$1.50 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

BTN: $305.25
SB: $423.60
BB: $300
UTG: $546.25
MP: $735.25
arrrrtard (CO): $319.95

Pre-Flop: 9 K dealt to arrrrtard (CO)
2 folds, arrrrtard raises to $5.25, BTN folds, SB calls $4.50, BB folds

Flop: ($12) 9 8 3 (2 Players)
SB bets $12, arrrrtard raises to $48, SB calls $36

Turn: ($108) 6 (2 Players)
SB bets $108, arrrrtard raises to $266.70 and is All-In, SB calls $158.70

River: ($641.40) A (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

Results: $641.40 Pot ($3 Rake)
SB showed A 9 (two pair, Aces and Nines) and WON $638.40 (+$318.45 NET)
arrrrtard showed 9 K (a pair of Nines) and LOST (-$319.95 NET)

First, this guy was so retarded that I was completely convinced I was value-shoving the turn. Obviously not a standard play 200bbs deep, but he’s not a standard human being. But what’s more frustrating for me I think is that his play makes NO SENSE WHATSOEVER. I just can’t even begin to fathom what he was thinking – why lead the turn? What is he hoping to accomplish? He’s only ahead of the absolute bottom of my range, so is he bluffing? Trying to push out flush draws? Lol I have no clue.

Argh, at least I’m not feeling too tilted (and I don’t think I made any horribly tilty decisions while playing). Progress I guess. But yeah, December has fucking sucked so far. I’m down about $1500 or so over 10k hands – obviously nothing to write home about but overall I’m on a breakeven/slight losing run over my last 20k+ hands, which is getting kind of exasperating. Sigh.

Ughh… hangover

December 9, 2007

Went to a friend’s Christmas party last night and drank waaaay too much – over the course of the night I probably had 10+ drinks, which is ridiculous considering that I hardly ever drink. I am feeling it now.

Won a quick $600 last night before heading out to the party. Some of the fun hands:

Full Tilt Poker, $0.75/$1.50 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 2 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

SB: $188.55
arrrrtard (BB): $404.80

Pre-Flop: Q Q dealt to arrrrtard (BB)
SB calls $0.75, arrrrtard raises to $6.75, SB raises to $22, arrrrtard raises to $54, SB calls $32

Flop: ($108) 9 8 T (2 Players)
arrrrtard bets $350.80 and is All-In, SB calls $134.55 and is All-In

Turn: ($377.10) Q (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

River: ($377.10) 8 (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

Results: $377.10 Pot ($0.50 Rake)
SB showed K T (two pair, Tens and Eights) and LOST (-$188.55 NET)
arrrrtard showed Q Q (a full house, Queens full of Eights) and WON $376.60 (+$188.05 NET)

And another one against the same guy…

Full Tilt Poker, $0.75/$1.50 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 3 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

SB: $153.75
BB: $361.25
arrrrtard (BTN): $543.35

Pre-Flop: 9 J dealt to arrrrtard (BTN)
arrrrtard raises to $5.25, SB folds, BB calls $3.75

Flop: ($11.25) 2 8 J (2 Players)
BB checks, arrrrtard bets $7.50, BB raises to $27, arrrrtard calls $19.50

Turn: ($65.25) 4 (2 Players)
BB bets $329 and is All-In, arrrrtard calls $329

River: ($723.25) 7 (2 Players – 1 is All-In)

Results: $723.25 Pot ($1 Rake)
BB showed A 3 (Ace Jack high) and LOST (-$361.25 NET)
arrrrtard showed 9 J (a pair of Jacks) and WON $722.25 (+$361 NET)

Lol, he was kind of a maniac.

This next hand was pretty funny too – it’s always nice to hit quads and get payed off by complete air. No idea what he was thinking, since to be honest he didn’t seem all that bad up until this hand. I mean, was he bluffing the river? What a retard.

Full Tilt Poker, $1/$2 NL Hold’em Cash Game, 6 Players
LeggoPoker.comHand History Converter

BTN: $358.40
SB: $192.25
arrrrtard (BB): $294.10
UTG: $232.90
MP: $202
CO: $376.80

Pre-Flop: K 5 dealt to arrrrtard (BB)
4 folds, SB calls $1, arrrrtard raises to $7, SB calls $5

Flop: ($14) 5 5 T (2 Players)
SB bets $11, arrrrtard calls $11

Turn: ($36) 5 (2 Players)
SB bets $18, arrrrtard raises to $60, SB calls $42

River: ($156) 9 (2 Players)
SB bets $75, arrrrtard raises to $216.10 and is All-In, SB calls $39.25 and is All-In

Results: $384.50 Pot ($3 Rake)
SB mucked 7 K (a flush, King high) and LOST (-$192.25 NET)
arrrrtard showed K 5 (four of a kind, Fives) and WON $381.50 (+$189.25 NET)

Okay, now for the not so fun hand of the night…

FullTiltPoker Game #4436030468: Table godorichamp – $1/$2 – No Limit Hold’em – 16:23:15 ET – 2007/12/08
Seat 1: arrrrtard ($216.30)
Seat 4: eff_congress ($213.90)
Seat 5: frankspot12 ($398.45)
Seat 6: pnyffe ($201)
pnyffe has 5 seconds left to act
pnyffe posts the small blind of $1
arrrrtard posts the big blind of $2
The button is in seat #5

Holecards :
Dealt to arrrrtard [ ]
eff_congress raises to $7
frankspot12 calls $7
pnyffe folds
arrrrtard has 15 seconds left to act
arrrrtard raises to $32
eff_congress folds
frankspot12 has 15 seconds left to act
frankspot12 : is it that good or are you on tilt?
frankspot12 calls $25

[ ]
arrrrtard has 15 seconds left to act
arrrrtard bets $54
frankspot12 has 15 seconds left to act
frankspot12 calls $54

Turn :
[ ] [ ]
JimmyD3619 sits down
arrrrtard has 15 seconds left to act
arrrrtard bets $130.30 and is all in
JimmyD3619 adds $100
frankspot12 has 15 seconds left to act
frankspot12 : should i call with 9 5?
frankspot12 has requested TIME
frankspot12 calls $130 .30
arrrrtard shows [ ]
frankspot12 shows [ ]

River :
[ ] [ ]
arrrrtard shows two pair Aces and Nines
arrrrtard : ol nh
frankspot12 shows a full house Nines full of Fives
frankspot12 wins the pot ($438 .60) with a full house Nines full of Fives
arrrrtard adds $200

Total pot $440 .60 | Rake $2
[ ]
Seat 1: arrrrtard (big blind) showed [ ] and lost with two pair Aces and Nines
Seat 4: eff_congress folded before the Flop
Seat 5: frankspot12 (button) showed [ ] and won ($438 .60) with a full house Nines full of Fives
Seat 6: pnyffe (small blind) folded before the Flop

Lol I’ve left it unconverted so you can read the chat. I actually got a laugh out of it though since villain was hysterical – he was playing like 50/12 and berated the entire table nonstop in the chat. I unfortunately never picked up any hands to stack him with, oh well.

Anyways I’m not sure if I’ll play any poker today – my roommate’s birthday is tomorrow and we’re going out to a fancy restaurant later tonight. I’d play for a couple hours right now but my head’s not doing so great.