December 11, 2007

I need to stop playing there. The software is unbelievably shitty and puts me on insta-tilt, and then I get raped by people who probably have about half my IQ. I only dropped $400 or so there today but ughhghhgh I can’t take it any more.

This is especially exasperating because part of the point of playing on Bodog is to get exposed to different game conditions (FTP games are totally different), and learn how to adapt my play accordingly. I know exactly what I should be doing differently on Bodog (mostly I need to tone down the aggression – I spew like crazy there), but I get SO FUCKING TILTED that I can’t implement any tactical changes.

Anyways, poker’s not going real well at the moment. Really, really frustrated about it. This sustained mediocrity is unbelievably disappointing 😦