Well that was disappointing

December 16, 2007

Just finished playing a session on UB (probably 2 hours or so, I’ve given up on UB and pokertracker so I don’t have any hand histories etc.). I started off running a little badly, then ran pretty well, and then ran pretty badly again, and figured I was about even or up a buyin or so. Nope, I was down almost exactly two buyins. Not a great feeling given that I was on some super soft tables. I’m not really sure what I think about my play to be honest – I knew I made some really poor calldowns (eh, they were marginal anyway – when totally unknown players take really bizarre lines, it’s hard to give them much credit) but I guess I didn’t realize just how many chips I was bleeding. Hrm. Not gonna lie, I’m feeling pretty disappointed right now – which is exactly why I shouldn’t be playing just yet, since the losing sessions kill me way more than they should.

Anyways, tonight my roommates and I went out to see Juno, and it’s a really, really good movie. You should all definitely see it.