No more gloom :)

So, I’ve decided to stop being a little cry baby. Poker has definitely been less fun than I’d like it to be lately, but one, that’s part of the game and I need to be more mature about it, and two, I won’t need to worry about rent money for another five months or so, so who the fuck cares?

Some time tomorrow night I’m catching a train to New York, and then on Wednesday the family and I are flying out to Spain for the holidays. I’m planning on playing very little poker (if any) in Europe, so hopefully I’ll be recharged come January when I get back to Boston. I am planning on doing a lot of poker reading and studying though, so if I can muster up any discipline this could be a productive couple weeks.

The past few days have been pretty fun (well, when I haven’t been playing poker). My roommate Bert didn’t get to see Juno with the rest of us on Saturday night, so Bert, Sam and I went again Sunday night. I’m glad I saw it again – it’s not just cute and hysterical, there’s also quite a lot of interesting stuff in there. We had some good discussion on the cab ride home.

I’ve also been slowly accumulating some of the music that’s been stranded on my old laptop – for some reason I still haven’t transferred all of it to the new one. Part of the problem is that I use a windows xp partition for poker, so I have to have two separate iTunes libraries, and my hard drive isn’t huge. Anyways, been listening to a lot of old favorites like ratatat, the national, and the band, among others. Ratatat in particular is one of my favorite bands ever, I can’t believe I went five months without listening to them.

Anyways that’s about it. Happy holidays everyone, Alan

One Response to No more gloom :)

  1. brooklyn bum says:

    Happy Holidays to you too!

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