Estoy en España!

December 22, 2007

The old Spanish skills are coming back to me 🙂

At the moment I’m chilling in my hotel room, using the outrageously expensive wi-fi (pronounced wee-fee here, which cracks me up for some reason). The family and I are in Zaragoza, which is where my little sister’s year abroad program is based. I haven’t gotten to explore much yet but it seems like a pretty cool town.

Last night we ate dinner with my sister’s host family, which was a lot of fun – I did a summer abroad program in Spain after my freshman year of high school, and studied a fair amount of Spanish afterwards, so it’s been fun trying to converse a bit. The state of my Spanish is kind of funny though – I’ve always been really good with accents, so I sound waaay better than I actually am. During my summer abroad program I got some funny looks at our final group celebration dinner because some of the Spanish host families couldn’t figure out if I was from Spain or not – as long as I didn’t say too much I could pass for a native speaker, but my goofy grammar would eventually give me away. This time around I’ve also been getting tripped up because I studied a bit of German in college, so I’ve thrown out a lot of pretty mangled, bilingual sentences lately. At any rate, my sister’s host family found me wildly impressive, so I’m feeling okay 🙂

Sometime tomorrow we’re catching a bus to Barcelona, where we’ll be staying for about a week. I’m pretty excited – it sounds like a sweet city, plus I’m gonna check out the city casino for sure. It’ll be my first time playing poker in a casino (and my first time playing live for non-negligible stakes), so I’ll be sure to include a full trip report.

Mkay, gonna go read for a bit.