Down another 5 buyins

Sigh, I said I wouldn’t play any more poker but I had a free day and was a little bored, so I fired up four tables of 1/2nl on FTP…

… and promptly dropped five more buyins. Some of the highlights were my AKs vs. QQ vs. AA aipf against two other aggressive regulars, 150bbs deep with the QQ guy who of course won. Shortly thereafter on the same table I get QQ<KK vs the guy who had aces. Also lost top two pair vs. tp + turned fd, flush hit on river.

The AKs hand is pretty typical for how things have been going lately – this used to be such a standard spot to do whatever it takes to get all in preflop, but now I’m not so sure. But even if it’s thin, it’s just insane to lose in this spot every single time. I continually run into the very top of people’s ranges (either that or I’ve suddenly lost all sense of what those ranges might be, which seems unlikely) and cannot suck out. Blah.

Anyways, I might go for a run or something. Bummed.

One Response to Down another 5 buyins

  1. update your blog says:


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