
Just got back from my first Crossfit workout in about four and half months. I’m stronger than I was back then but my cardiovascular fitness is absolutely terrible. Here’s the workout I did:

1 mile run
25 pushups
800m run
25 ab-mat situps
400m run
25 1.5 pood kettlebell swings (that’s about 50lbs)
200 m run
25 35lb dumbbell thrusters

The runs were pretty embarrassing but it was fun seeing some of the Crossfit Boston guys again. I finished just under 31 minutes, which is pretty damn slow, but hey, I haven’t done any running in forever.

Right now I’m watching the premier of Fringe, the new JJ Abrams show. It’s pretty cool so far – I guess it had better be considering that it cost $10m to shoot. Unfortunately I think they spent about $9m on the idiotic, floating 3-dimensional set identifiers alone – you know how whenever you approach a military base in a movie, a bunch of type-writer font clacks up onto the screen? Not cool enough for JJ Abrams. It blows my mind that somebody thought they’d be a good idea.

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