Some hands from the $2k day

As promised, here are some of the bigger hands from yesterday’s big session. Just so you don’t think I’m a total lucksack let’s start with the ones where I get stacked 🙂

Yeesh, really really tough spot. I played this hand with luckhappens and we thought it was pretty interesting. Villain was bad, something like 33/10/1 over 200 hands or so. It’s a weird spot because on the one hand, presumably he can show up with a lower set here, but his line is so, so fishy – I wasn’t particularly surprised that he had the straight. I was kind of thinking about folding but luck said no way, it’s just too likely he could have an underset. He also thought an interesting question would be what to do if villain only bets 3/4 pot on the river – do you just call? Shove? Anyways pretty huge cooler.

You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Villain was no joke playing 76/38/1 and was probably the worst player I’ve ever seen ever. He would call any preflop raise, any 3bet, even 4bets. And he ran SO GOOD OMFG. Naturally I went on mega-tilt after this hand.

Thirty seconds later obviously. To be honest not really sure what I should have done on the turn… I thought I could rep a flush draw? Maybe? I’m definitely betting here since the turn card is pretty innocuous (lolz but it wasn’t!!!). Villain and I have played a fair amount together recently so he knows I’m pretty aggressive and pull goofy moves occasionally. What was strange is that he’s kind of a nit, 24/10/1 over 500 hands or so. I just didn’t really know what sort of hand he’d bet/call the flop with after limping preflop… in hindsight I should have put him on some sort of draw, since I don’t think he plays many of the threes in his range like this. I don’t know, I’m not sure that I can get away here. Curious what you guys think though.

Meh, kind of a cooler I guess, considering that Lynette Chan is fucking CRAZY. Seriously, she’s totally nuts and bluffs in the most retarded spots imaginable. Plus the other guy in the hand was a complete fish and could definitely have a ton of random crap here, so I don’t think it’s a bad spot for her to get tricky. I don’t know though, not sure how I feel about this hand. Against most people I’d fold but probably not against Chan.

BALLS. Not sure what else to say here, other than BALLS.

I can’t tell if I made a sick or retarded play here. The only reason I elected to stack off was that the guy seemed pretty tilted – he’d just lost a huge pot to a goofy suckout on another table and seemed a little steamed. Then again he did have me crushed on the flop… anyways I snapcalled the turn and couldn’t hold, oh well. But I called the flop with the intention of getting it in on a safe looking turn, so I don’t mind my play too much. I think he’s bluffing the flop a lot (especially since he knows I’m raising a button limp pretty loosely), sucks that he actually had a huge hand.

Thank you for being short. BALLS.

Okay enough about me losing money, let’s talk about how I’m super awesome in every way.

You may have straight flushed me, but I just OWNED YOUR SOUL. Lol, I almost had a heart attack when he flipped over his cards cause he was like an 80% favorite given the way things had been going. Plus I almost misclick folded I was so excited. Like I said, worst player of all time, find him and befriend him quickly before he goes broke.

Um, you are a tard and I don’t believe you. These spots are always scary. Guy was a complete idiot, playing something like 44/13/1 over 100 hands. The timing of his plays just felt a weak made hand or a draw, so I checked the river with the intention of calling any bet.

WTF, why does he keep betting. Honestly didn’t know what to do here… am I just being dumb or is this a really weird spot? In hindsight I don’t know why I shoved the river, especially considering that I genuinely didn’t know wtf he was doing. Is he just bluffing at the ace? People actually do this? So confused 😕

I cooler a CR member. I was actually a little surprised he called my 3bet, since presumably he knows I’m doing it a bit light in LP. I felt bad cause it was pretty sure he had an underset. What do people think about not betting the turn? He’s a very solid and aggressive player, so maybe I can induce a bluff on the river if he’s actually got a hand like TT… hmm, probably not.

Yeah, seems like a pretty good flop for a check minraise. People this bad actually play at 2/4. Who knew?

This guy is pretty sneaky. Seriously though, how are there so many bad players at 2/4? This definitely illustrates the value of good table selection. I’d much rather have to deal with these people at my tables than hauptizzle.

This guy was a total tilt monkey, I guess? Pt. 1. This guy was totally nuts. He was playing 54/18/1 and was a total station preflop but pretty donkishly aggressive postflop. I had a couple hundred datamined hands on him when he sat down so I knew he was a psycho and played accordingly.

This guy was a total tilt monkey, I guess? Pt. 2. Surely the massive overbet shove will be too obvious? Nope. Although I think it’s probably better to just check here, he’s definitely shoving any two cards and I suppose he could maybe fold if I shove first.

This guy was a total tilt monkey, I guess? Pt. 3. Actually I can’t really fault his play here – but I played it about as poorly as possible. This hand came up like a minute after the straight-flush and A3 beats, so I was definitely tilted. There’s just no reason to flip a coin here – he’s not folding whatever hand he has regardless of what happens on the turn, so I think it’s better to just wait until my equity improves a bit before I stack off. Anyways this cheered me tons after the previous couple coolers.

Yeesh, long post, gonna go play for a bit.

2 Responses to Some hands from the $2k day

  1. heineken23 says:

    Wow some brutal beats. Credit to you for working through it and still having a kick ass day 🙂

  2. MARCEL says:

    hauptizzle IS A SUPER USER

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